Frequently asked questions
How to determine the price of an apartment?
The value of real estate depends on several factors: the average market price per square meter of the total area, the size of the apartment, its location, the condition of the object and other factors. To find out about the value of a specific apartment, you should invite a specialist appraiser. For this, you can contact our agency, where qualified appraisers work, and order the service.
Why is the apartment not sold and how does the seasonality factor affect it?
The seasonality factor is more relevant for land and country plots, and for an apartment, most likely, you failed to correctly assess the terms of sale, provided insufficient information, or the object has defects. We advise you to contact our realtors to determine the reasons for the low demand for your apartment. We are also ready to help with legal support of the agreement. Give us a call.
How long does it take to sell a three-bedroom apartment in a residential area?
Work with real estate objects is very individual and it is impossible to guarantee any deadlines. However, our agency helps to find buyers of any type quickly and profitably. So, if you urgently need to sell an apartment, we will help you correctly draw up the documents, and if there is enough time to search for a buyer, we will choose the most favorable option.