Real estate agency in Dnepr

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AND district

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Продам новый дом в АНД районе, рядом с ж/м Фрунзенский, по дороге в Обуховку. Цена 76 800 $. 
От Кайдацкого моста 3,5 км. 

Administrative district of the city of Dnipro. Situated in the north of the city, on the left bank of the Dnieper. The district borders on the Industrial and Samara districts, as well as the Dnieprovsky district of the Dnipropetrovsk region and the village of Obukhovka. From the south, the district is limited by the Dnieper River. A wonderful area for living or commercial activity.

If you have decided to buy real estate in the AND district, here you can see current offers of houses, apartments, cottages, plots of land for sale. You have a great opportunity to buy real estate in Dnepr. Here are offers for sale of housing in the Amur-Nizhnedneprovsky district. The list of offers is constantly replenished and updated.

Houses are offered with different number of floors, living area, plot area. Carefully monitor price changes and do not miss your chance to buy an apartment, house or cottage on favorable terms. We publish only current offers. Contact us if you have any questions or are interested in one of the offers.